
Canada Web Quest

Page history last edited by Jerry Swiatek 15 years, 3 months ago








Congratulations! After a grueling interview process, you have been selected by the Canadian Department of Tourism to develop an ad campaign for a province of Canada. You will be developing an ad campaign that includes a brochure, print ad and a commercial. If your ad campaign is approved, you will be promoted to a new position as the Commissioner of Canadian Tourism! You will be eligible to win a dream home in the Canadian Province of your choice!




The Task:


As a member of the Canadian Advertisement Team, you will be working individually. Each of you will be responsible for all of the specific tasks that will help to achieve the final product. 



 The following are some questions/topics you must address in your project and presentation:

• Describe the geography of your province. What land features make your province unique? How does the geography of your province impact the culture and everyday lives of its inhabitants?


• What is the climate of your province? How does the climate impact residents as well as tourists to the area? Does the climate lend itself to any special sports or activities for visitors to participate in during their visit?


• What festivals and cultural attractions are unique to your province? Why should tourist visit your province? Why is your province special? What unique historical sights and tourist attractions can be enjoyed in your province?

• Describe the economy in your province. What types of businesses are most profitable in that area? Why are certain businesses particularly profitable or not profitable?



The Process:


You will prepare and present an ad campaign to the class. You will be responsible for preparing a variety of materials for review by the Department of Tourism.


These materials will include:

1. A newsletter/brochure on your Canadian Province. Your newsletter/brochure will be created using http://www.letterpop.com.


2. A poster size advertisement of your province using Glogster. This poster must include a combination of videos, computer graphics and images.


3. A wiki page must be created within your own wiki. This wiki page should include the resources for the research that is pertinent to your province and that will be included in your newsletter/brochure and commercial.


4. A one to two minute commercial that ‘sells’ your province to the class. The commercial will be created using Animoto or any other video creation tool. In this commercial, you will highlight particular areas of your province for the audience. This commercial should include the following topics:


a. Geography/Landforms


b. Climate


c. History


d. Places of Interest/Landmarks


e. Tourist Attractions


f. Food/Festivals


g. Economy





Your project will be evaluated using a scoring rubric. This rubric will award points for all parts of the project. Additionally, groups can earn additional points by completing extra credit. All extra credit ideas must be approved by the classroom teacher before a group can work on them. Extra credit can only be done, once the group has completed all the required parts of the project.


Scoring Rubric - Canada Web Quest





Research is thorough & accurate _____ (1-10 pts.)

Well written & edited _____ (1-10 pts.)






Eye catching & colorful _____ (1-10 pts.)

Neatly & carefully designed _____(1-10 pts.)



Wiki Research Page:



Thorough & Organized _____ (1-10 pts.)






Accurate & Detailed _____ (1-10 pts.)

Well written & Edited _____ (1-10 pts.)

Visually appealing _____ (1-10 pts.)





Rehearsed _____ (1-10 pts.)

Enthusiastic & persuasive _____ (1-10 pts.)






Congratulations!!! You have successfully completed your Canadian Web Quest! Your ad campaign will be evaluated based on the rubric. If your ad campaign is approved, you will receive a promotion! Your new position will be Commissioner of Canadian Tourism! As the Commissioner, you will be able to travel freely throughout Canada and enjoy all this great country has to offer. Additionally, you will be eligible to win a dream home in the Canadian Province of your choice!


The Canadian Department of Tourism thanks you for all of your hard work! 

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