
Cross-class Lesson Project

Page history last edited by Jerry Swiatek 15 years, 4 months ago

Asynchronous learning is a student-centered teaching method that uses online learning resources to facilitate information sharing outside the constraints of time and place among a network of people.


In this project, you will be matched up with a student in my other class. Using technology tools, the two of you will teach my classes the chapter you are assigned. This project will be covering Unit 1, Chapters 2, 3, and 4. and your group will be responsible for creating a lesson to teach one of these chapters. When completed, each of you will present the lesson to your respective classes.


How will you communicate with your partner? Part of this project is to learn how to learn communicate asynchronously. Because you will not be working with your partner face to face, you must use technology to communicate. This communication can take place in Twitter, through a wiki, via a blog, using email, or using dozens of other geat tools. Some of your communication, however, can be synchronous, using online chat, Skype video conferencing, or telephone (talk or text messaging.)


Communication tools:


Twitter - synchronous/asynchronous

TinyChat - synchronous

Skype (requires software install)- synchronous

ePals Email - asynchronous

ChatMaker - synchronous

Wiki - asynchronous

Text message - asynchronous

Telephone - synchronous




1. Each lesson must contain a presentation - this presentation MAY NOT be an Animoto video. You will present your chapter to the class using this presentation. To create your presentation, we will be using Zoho Show. This tool allows for collaboration on your presentation.


2. Each lesson must contain at least two multimedia pieces. YouTube will only count as 1 piece. You'll need to find or create another multimedia piece.


3. Each lesson must contain at least 5 links to other resources pertaining to your chapter.


4. Each lesson must contain a list of the major vocabulary words with their definitions.


5. Each person must come up with 3 quiz questions pertaining to the chapter following Costa's Level of Questioning format.


Student-Created rubric:








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